Radloff Family

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Oh, that worthless feeling...

It's Going Around, I Tell You...

So, last Tuesday I started having a fever. I gamely went to work Wednesday, and to rehearsal Wednesday night. I did stay home sick from work last Thursday, though. So did my beloved Viennese bride Dagmar. She'd gone to see the nice doctor lady, who told Dagmar that she had a sinus infection and a bronchial infection, and that the bronchial infection triggered an asthma attack. "But I don't have asthma," said Dagmar. "You do now," said the doctor. "Here, have an inhaler..." So Dagmar came home with loads of antibiotics and two different inhalers. She took her pills, huffed her inhaler and went to bed, only to have an allergic reaction to the inhaler.

Friday, both of us went to work. After work, I loaded up my basses in the car and off we went to the Chesterfield Friday Afternoon Social Club, where my happy band was playing. On our way there, the doctor called Dagmar. "I need you to come in again," said Mrs. Doctor Lady. So Dagmar dropped me off in parking lot of the club and made her way across town to the doctor's office.

About the time I had my amp, speakers and guitars all set up in a corner, Dagmar called. "I haf de influenza type 'A'," she wailed. "Now I haf to take MORE antibiotics..."

The gig went well last night, even though our keyboardist had prior engagements and couldn't make it, and both our guitarists were feeling ill. But I was happy to get home again.

Today I was going to go in to work to make up the lost day last week. However, it's now 6:26 p.m., and I've probably been awake for less than two hours all day. I just can't keep awake... My chest is feeling tight, I'm coughing more than I have since I quit smoking four-plus months ago, my muscles hurt... But I don't particularly fill ill, oddly enough. But my wife is taking something like two-and-a-half pounds of antibiotics a day. We're lucky the cat knows how to cook...

I feel completely and totally worthless. I needed to be at work today. I certainly hope tomorrow's better! If I can put in a good eight or ten hours at work I should be caught up, for the most part. (Thankfully the Packers are having a lousy season, so I know I won't miss much as far as football goes. I mean, really... They lost to the Vikings, for gosh sakes.)


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